Rachel S

Jul 28, 20224 min

How to get more google reviews for cleaning services

What customers say about your business carries more weight than your own opinion of your business. Clients place much value on the local ranking algorithm, which is Google's way of putting business orders online.

Client's opinion can be one of the business's biggest sales roots because more than 70% of possible clients read reviews before engaging in any way with a company, and 63% base their decision solely on other people's opinions.

Google Reviews impact your company's ability to engage with potential clients and target audiences because of your rank and the organization's reputation.

They are unpaid and voluntary online commentary that clients write about their experience with a business. Additionally, these are directly linked with Google Maps or Google Business Listings, which facilitates the process of giving feedback, responding to messages and improving the chance of people finding your business.

Additionally, they are social proof that can reassure hesitant customers and provide them with some extra content that may reduce doubtful thoughts or uncertainty.

Nonetheless, getting reviews is easier said than done if you're the owner of a non-typical business like a pet store or even a cleaning service provider. Therefore how do you get more reviews from customers? Here are a couple of ways:

1. Make sure potential clients see previous reviews made by other customers

Cleaning service businesses need to pay special attention to client reviews. You must ensure that potential customers know how your business was helpful to previous clients. To put your reviews front and centre, you must attach them to your website through a Google Reviews Page.

Your website's navigation menu is just as important as vitrines in shopping malls. From a simple tab, your customers can be led to your products, social media profiles and your frequent client's opinions on your business. Dedicating an entire page or button for clients to voice their thoughts can influence potential prospects' opinions on your products, workers, and company.

A great way to track customers and upgrade your SEO marketing game is to include a template so people can easily leave a review. For cleaning services, the easiest ways to leave a review are:

  • Leave a QR code at the end of each service.

  • Send a follow-up email with a review link at the end of the service.

  • Send an SMS with a review link.

Here's an example of a QR Code for cleaning services:

Click here to get more QR code ideas

2. Explore the same sites your potential customers visit

One of the most efficient ways to study your target audience is by understanding how they approach businesses like yours. Honest feedback does not come from new customers. It comes from recurrent clients who invest in your business repeatedly. Making all of your communication channels accessible for everyone is essential for future clients to find your service provider, reach out with possible questions or inquiries, and, later on, contact your services.

3. Keep track of your messages

Replying to messages and reviews is a great way to interact with your clients, even if this means responding to unpleasant comments. We all know it's not easy to reply to an upset client. They might be critiquing a business that might have taken years to build, but don't take it personally. Always respond politely, addressing the issue and explaining how it won't happen again.

We know that at least 54% of users read at least four to five reviews before hiring a service, and since customer reviews are a way to boost a business' marketing assets, their influence on potential clients is vital. It is important to note that: a company can have either positive or negative commentaries.

However, before you respond to that hesitant client, here are a few tips you might want to take into account:

  • Bad or upsetting reviews are not always terrible: On the contrary, they show the business' human side. Therefore, keep your cool and demonstrate how important the client is for your business.

  • Your reputation matters: make sure to check if the comment provides any faulty information or incorrect data to report or delete the review.

  • By replying to a negative review, you do not only respond to the unsatisfied client, but you also respond to EVERYONE: potential clients may notice how compromised you are with your service and its quality by reading how thoughtfully you handle an uncomfortable situation

4. Don't sleep on one-on-one contact

Something as simple as checking in while delivering your service or asking them for a review right after you've completed your cleaning mission is an excellent option. Nonetheless, if you're wary of asking them directly, we've come up with some other options for you:

  • Google Review email campaign: Email marketing is an effective way to get Google Reviews. Remember to go straight to the point: no long messages, overbearing sentences and extreme gratitude. Address your purpose, remind them of how quick the review process is and thank them for their time.

  • Using Social Media: Your Social Media posts can be a great call to action for customers to leave a review on their experience with your business. After an ingenious caption and good complimentary visual aids, add a shortcut link that redirects users to your Google Reviews page.

Getting customer reviews is easier said than done, but the reality is that the more positive reviews you have, the higher the chances that customers prefer your business to the competitors, and Google selects your website or listing as trustworthy and high-quality

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