Rachel S

Jul 11, 20223 min

3 creative ways to get reviews on Google Maps

What customers say about your business carries more weight than nearly anything else. Clients greatly value the local ranking algorithm, which is Google's way of putting business orders online.

Many factors, like personalization, citation, links and owning a Google Business Profile, are evaluated when it comes to ranking a listing. Still, the one that stands out the most is Google Reviews.

Google Reviews impact your business's ability to engage with potential clients and your business's target audience, not only because of your rank but because of the organization's reputation. They are unpaid (sometimes) and voluntary online commentary that clients write about their experience with a business. Additionally, these are directly linked with Google Maps or Google Business Listings, which facilitates the process of giving feedback, responding to messages and improving the chance of people finding your business.

But how to receive great reviews? Here are three creative ways to get reviews on Google Maps.

Personalized Reminders

Cards are an offline method to get more reviews on Google Maps. These can be linked to emails but make reading through texts easier for your clients. Most potential customers live in a constant rush; so, they don’t have time to read the entire email, but granting them a visual option that condenses the intention of your email might be your best choice.

Including simple phrases like: ‘How was your visit?’ or ‘Thank you for choosing us’ can remind your customers of their experience with your enterprise, so they must be the top line of your card. Additionally, assets like a QR code or shortcut link can be the best option to lead them to the review template.

Don't forget to include a 'thank you, your business's logo and a simple yet, stylish design that is aesthetically pleasing.

One-on-one contact!

We know that the last thing a business owner wants to do is to scare clients away. But taking into account that reviews are such an essential part of growth, you might consider asking for a review personally. Now, we're not saying to stalk your customer, but highlighting the importance of a review for your business.

Imagine that you own a small business that is dedicated to creating different kinds of toys for pets. It's called 'OhMyCat'. It won't ask its furry clients for their opinion, but certainly, you can request their owners for a Google review.

Something as simple as checking in while delivering their products or asking them for a review right after their goods have been conveyed is an excellent option. Nonetheless, if you're wary of asking them directly, we've come up with some other options for you:

  • Google Review email campaign: Email marketing is an effective way to get Google Reviews, just remember to go straight to the point. No long messages, overbearing sentences and extreme gratitude. Address your purpose, remind them of how quick the review process is and thank them for their time.

  • Using Social Media: Your Social Media posts can be a great call to action for customers to leave a review on their experience with your business. After an ingenious caption and good complimentary visual aids, add a shortcut link that redirects users to your Google Reviews page.

Reviews are an awesome way to connect with potential customers and address your target audience. Learning how to get them through unconventional methods is innovating in a world that is more and more captivated by technology.

Getting customer reviews is easier said than done, but the reality is that the more positive reviews you have, the higher the chances that customers prefer your business to the competitors, and Google selects your website or listing as trustworthy and high-quality

We regularly get our customers to rank within the top 3 positions in local Google Search results - which is where you want to be! Rank in the top 3 or get your money back! Book a free consultation call to get started.